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A Picture of the Anthology, 'Out of Focus'


In the history of the galaxies, no species has evolved from primitive animals to civilized society faster than the wyrnemals. They did not accomplish this alone. During the earliest stages of their development, their planet was visited by an ancient and mysterious alien race. To observe and aid the planet's young life, an overseer was left behind, a machine called a Curator.

In time, the machine became sentient. It disregarded its programming to live among the wyrnemals as part of their lives. The wyrnemals came to worship the machine as a divine creation. Becoming a god was not the Curator's desire. Has its influence been for better or for worse?

Rather than guide their development gently, the Curator machine shaped them rapidly into an idealized society. Has their potential been stunted? Is a wyrnemal's life worth living?

'The God Machine' is one of eight stories in the anthology 'Out of Focus'. It has everything from magical eyeglasses and time travel to job interviews and dead mobsters.